Grab your tea and beans on toast! This month, Mossbadger’s PLAYTIME jaunts across the pond with an episode of selections from the UK. We’ll meet some naughty fruit, watch a hamster fly a plane, rent some ghosts, get our own back, and learn about the many pleasures of Stoke-on-Trent. Cheerio, innit?
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Do you miss Saturday morning cartoon time? Join Mossy from the chat for a wild ride through the colorful world of kiddy programming, from psychedelic puppets to unnerving animation—it’s time to play! Hosted by Mossbadger
Jordana Robinson is a Chicago-based (but Philly-born!) artist and designer who works (and participates in our Twitch chat!) under the name Mossbadger. You may also remember her as a guest on Museum episode #57, co-presenting the demented 1980s public access kid’s show STARSTUFF.